Joost Strydom, die Uitvoerende Hoof van die Orania Beweging het ‘n fassinerende gesprek met Penuel Mlotshwa, tydens hul besoek aan Orania gevoer. Meer as 126 000 kyke op Youtube en byna 1 000 kommentare van kykers werp ‘n helder lig op die ware Orania waar geskiedkundige feite en ‘n hardwerkende gemeenskap se doelwitte duidelik uiteengesit word.
Dit is meer as ‘n maand later en steeds stroom die kommentaar in en word oningeligte persone voorgestel aan die realiteite van Orania. Koerania het weer met Penuel kontak gemaak en sy opinie oor die negatiewe kommentaar wat hy kry gevra:
“The reality is that South Africa has a very emotionally-triggering history, due to Apartheid mostly. With that said, understanding this dynamic, helps understand why Afrikaners would be challenged every time they do anything deemed progressive, and especially where it seems to sideline black people.
Each person needs to work hard to switch off the emotional noise and dig deeper for truth, rationality and objectivity.”
Hier is van die kommentaar wat op die onderhoud gevolg het:
Joost is so calming… so reassuring. May history be kind to the good people of South Africa and the pioneering minds behind Orania. Reality is such a ‘pleasantly dark ‘ place …..
Off the chains. I have to watch this a few times. They are the future of modern civilizations! Thank you sir!
Thank you Pan for giving us this interview, we’ve heard a lot about the town but it’s great to hear from the horse’s mouth
“This is our place and we are the wall, doing our own work is the wall, ppl who mean us harm will soon learn that it doesn’t matter how many we are… We are the wall and we will protect our place”️ I wish that our black communities could adopt this mentality and protect their neighborhood
Great show Penual. Extreamly interesting. I followed the Orania concept and their progress for many years now but this show gathered more info about Orania then I could get from all the other media outlets together.
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